Product Community Board

Below is inventory from GREE distributors that is available to purchase directly from that distributor. These models are available due to mismatches and/or surplus stock. All products have been listed within the last 45 days.

Note: The accuracy of any information posted on this bulletin board is the responsibility of the person(s) who creates the post. Any communications to purchase this product should be done through the corresponding email & phone number.

Tradewinds Distributing Company, LLC is not responsible for the coordination, sale, shipment, or delivery of these products, nor does Tradewinds Distributing Company, LLC bear any responsibility for damaged goods. Any conflict or disagreement is to be resolved between the 3rd parties who engage with each other. Please do not contact Tradewinds Distributing Company, LLC to resolve any issues between 3rd parties that may arise due to the buying, selling, shipping, or delivery of equipment posted on this bulletin board.

By posting on this bulletin board, or responding to a post, you agree to the terms of use.